D Blog

Just do it!


1. 材料 1.1 黄花鱼 1.2 葱(切圈) 1.3 姜(切片) 1.4 土豆(切长条) 1.5 水萝卜(切长条) 1.6 洋葱(切宽一点的条) 2. 调料 2.1 料酒 2.2 生抽 2.3 郫县豆瓣 2.4 甜面酱 2.5 花椒面 2.6 白糖 2.7 鸡精 2.8 啤酒 3. 步骤 3.1 把黄花鱼的头去掉(如...

The process of vulnerability mining

1. Recon and analysis 1.1 Map application content 1.1.1 Find all subdomains Use recon-ng to find all subdomains. Use nmap scan the opened ports of every ip. 1.1.2 Enumerating Content and Functiona...


1. 材料 1.1 五花肉 1.2 葱姜 1.3 八角 1.4 桂皮 1.5 香叶 1.6 花椒 1.7 棉白糖 1.8 白胡椒 2. 调料 2.1 料酒 2.2 酱油 3. 准备 3.1 五花肉切丁 3.2 白胡椒切段 3.3 热水 4. 步骤 4.1 飞水–放水+肉+料酒或醋(去腥味)煮几分钟, 然后洗净备用 ...


1. 材料 1.1 鸡块 1.2 山药 1.3 大葱 1.4 生姜 1.5 红枣 1.6 枸杞 2. 调料 2.1 料酒 2.2 盐 2.3 油 3. 准备 3.1 山药切成滚刀状(增大接触面) 3.2 生姜切片 3.3 大葱切段 4. 步骤 4.1 鸡块用清水洗干净,+料酒, 水煮开5分钟后捞出再洗干净 4.2 鸡...

NTP on FreeBSD 12.1

Add the following to /etc/ntp.conf pool ntp2.aliyun.com iburst pool 1.tw.pool.ntp.org iburst pool 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst server ntp1.aliyun.com iburst Add the following to /etc/rc.conf ntpd...

Set proxy server on FreeBSD 12.1

Inside a controlled network, it is alittle harder to use FreeBSD. The simple things become hard, such as install software by pkg. So that is why I set a local proxy server on FreeBSD in China. For...

Set PAC of shadowsocks-libev on Kali Linux

PAC: Proxy auto-config 1.安装 genpac: pip install genpac pip install --upgrade genpac 2.生成PAC文件: mkdir ~/.pac cd ~/.pac touch user-rules.txt # 可在此文件中添加用户自定义规则,此处省略 genpac --pac-proxy "SOCKS5 127.0....

Set NTP Service on Kali Linux

Kali Linux version: Kali2019/2020 NTP means Network Time Protocol. Install NTP service apt install ntp Check ntp dpkg --get-selections ntp Modify ntp.conf vi /e...

Configuration of v2ray's client and server (v2ray+ws+tls+nginx+ss+cdn)

Content of v2ray server’s config.json { "inbound": { "port": 10086, //(此端口与nginx配置一样) "listen": "", "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { ...

Set static IP address and DNS on Kali2019/2020

Set static IP address Your just need to edit one of /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0` vim /etc/network/interfaces Or touch /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 vim /etc/network/in...